In the age where we can get information in an instant, sometimes it works against us. Have you ever found yourself talking in private about something you may want or need only to be bombarded by ads trying to sell you that specific product right after? Yup, the Internet and electronic devices are listening!
Don’t want Alexa or Siri to hear what you’re talking about? Thankfully, there’s a solution. This “Bracelet of Silence” will protect your privacy and actively block electronic devices from picking up on your conversations. Simply switch it on and the array of 24 ultrasonic transducers will jam microphones in ALL directions.
According to Yanko Design, the ultrasonic transducers emit a frequency that can’t be detected by human ears, so you can scramble electronic devices around you but still have a normal conversation knowing fully well that your phone or watch isn’t privy to what you’re talking about.
Such invention may sound extravagant now, but we believe it has a chance of becoming our new normal. The NY Times called it an anti-smartwatch, both in its cyberpunk aesthetic and in its purpose of defeating technology. And we agree. If the price of privacy means investing and wearing a funny looking tech bracelet, count us in.
Let’s be honest, nobody likes eavesdropping. Even if you don’t own one of the Home Recording or Smart Speakers products that are supposed to make your life easier, you most likely own a phone. How does it make you feel knowing there’s a high chance you’re being listened to at all times? We would love to hear your opinions!
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