Why You Need this Website Accessibility Solution
An inaccessible website can prohibit one fourth of the US consumer market from visiting your site. This can have serious repercussions for your business. It can cause you legal troubles if a lawyer trolls your website and sees that it is not ADA compliant.
The American Disabilities Act (ADA Titles II and III) prohibit disability discrimination, as does the Rehabilitation Act of 1973(Sections 504 and 508). The number of website accessibility lawsuits in 2022 set a record, with 3,255 suits filed in the US federal court system.
It can be a big challenge to provide visitors with accessibility due to the consistent technology advancements and the dynamic nature of websites. That is why we offer tdigital accessibility solutions. An ADA web tool delivers website accessibility to businesses nationwide. Helping those with disabilities and reducing legal risks for your business.
ADA website tools are important to business owners because they are tackling this problem for you. A web accessibility platform for businesses of all sizes helps to build inclusive and compliant websites efficiently and affordably. IAAP-certified (International Association of Accessibility Professionals) Apps help businesses reach ADA compliance, which prohibits disability discrimination. Businesses are 4x more protected from a lawsuit with an ADA app.
ADA web tools makes a website design easier to navigate for people with disabilities. You benefit from the legal peace of mind that you are much less likely to be sued. ADA web tools solve issues on your site that may make accessibility difficult for people with visual impairments, motor impairments, hearing impairments, and cognitive impairments.
We as the agency find it imperative to protect both the client and ourselves from potential lawsuits that may arise as a result of an inaccessible website. In short, think of ADA web tools as building a ramp for those to easily visit your place of work. As a result, your business would greatly benefit from this service. If you find that you aren’t interested at this time we ask that you sign our waiver for our protection if a legal situation were to arise.
What does ADA web tools do?
ADA web tools offer web accessibility platform for businesses of all sizes to help build inclusive and compliant websites efficiently and affordably. These tools help your business with the IAAP-certified (International Association of Accessibility Professionals) to aid businesses reach ADA (American Disabilities Act) compliance, which prohibits disability discrimination.
Why is this important to you?
- ADA web tools are solving problems you didn’t know you had. From 2017 to 2022 ADA website accessibility lawsuits in federal court increased 300%. We as the agency find it imperative to protect both the client and ourselves from potential lawsuits that may arise as a result of an inaccessible website.
- Businesses are 4x more protected from a lawsuit with an ADA web tool.
- 93% of the population use the internet and an estimated 26% of all adults (40% of adults over the age of 65) live with a disability.
- ADA web compliance is comparable to having a ramp to the door outside of your place of work.
What are the benefits of ADA Compliance?
- ADA web tools add a service to your website that makes it easier for people with disabilities to access.
- They allow you to have the legal peace of mind that you are much less likely to be sued.
- It helps solve issues on your site that may make accessibility difficult for people with visual impairments, motor impairments, hearing impairments, and cognitive impairments.