As of June 15th, state of Delaware officially entered the Phase 2 of the economic reopening. As the gradual recovery from COVID-19 continues, it doesn’t mean that our job stops right there. While our local businesses can operate now at greater capacity, child care centers can reopen and summer camps can resume, we are still required to wear face coverings in public and should adhere to all responsible social distancing guidelines.
That being said, you’re probably wondering now what can you expect from the Phase 2 of the economic reopening in Delaware? We did our research and we have the answers!
The following is general guidance that applies to all businesses in Delaware and Phase 2 of the Economic Reopening:
Industry Guidance:
Restaurants, most retail establishments and houses of worship can now operate at 60 percent of their fire code occupancy limits. Gyms and personal care services, such as hair salons, barbers and tattoo parlors, are still limited to 30 percent of their fire code occupancy limits and reservations are still required.
Child care facilities they can reopen for all Delaware families, although under certain group-size limits and other restrictions.
Museums, galleries, libraries, historical attractions and arts education institutions may reopen but must follow social distancing guidelines.
Summer camps, summer schools and private instruction also may resume, although group and classroom sizes must be limited and face coverings must be worn.
CLICK HERE to see more details on industry-specific guidance.
Here at Advertising Is Simple, we continue to be of resource and helpful advice for any and all small business owners who are currently struggling with the effects of COVID-19. If you have any questions regarding how we can help you with all of your marketing needs, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re all in this together!
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